We want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines:
To make ChastitySA a fun and friendly place we ask every member to respect the rules. Admin keeps an eye on things and removes or edits posts that do not follow the rules. Violations of any of the following rules will result in warnings, infractions, or banning of the user committing said violations.
You may NOT have more than one username. Your user name may not be a site name, an email address, or contain a URL.
Posting Rules:
Post in the correct location.
All posts, replies, and signatures must be in English only.
Respect each other no negative or abusive comments.
Prohibited Content
Do not post the following content as it will be immediately deleted and you will incur an infraction or banning:
Any content (including non porn) featuring models under 18 years of age and any discussion about persons under the age of 18.
Content portraying excessive, obscene, or illegal activities
The linking to other websites is prohibited, you may link to your personal non-business social media accounts
Do not post any content which is not yours or features other individuals who have not consented to sharing the content.
Do not flood or mass-post comments, links, etc. Do not post links that redirect to an external blog or site.
Do not use the forum for advertising of any kind.
We encourage all members to leave constructive and useful comments.